Dad's turn. It's actually not "Father's Day" here in Germany. That was back on "Himmelfahrt" in Mai and is celebrated entirely differently, in my opinion. But, we're American and all so we are celebrating J today.
What is something Dad always says to you?
"I love you." He mostly says that a lot.
"I love you."
Um, "You need to do your homework."
What makes Dad happy?
When we do stuff the right things just like you want us to do.
When I get 100% right on my test.
What makes Dad sad?
When we don't behave good.
When I'm talking in my baby voice.
Um, when I say 'no' to him.
How does Dad make you laugh?
When he does funny jokes.
Whenever he talks in his funny voices.
By tickling the fire out of me.
What was Dad like as a kid?
In a fun place like you.
But what was he like?
He was sometimes a bit naughty.
He was...funny. Because he did a lot of crazy stuff.
Naughty naughty.
How old is Dad?
I don't know. 3.
You think you're 5 and he's 3?
I thought you meant when he was a kid. Something with a 2...22? Is it 22?
42 years old.
How tall is Dad?
One foot taller than me.
What is Dad's favorite thing to do?
Play with us.
Play music.
Play the guitar.
What does Dad do when you're not around?
Does stuff that's grown up stuff.
Goes to work.
Go to work.
If Dad become famous, what will it be for?
A satellite person.
Playing a bunch of music.
A band.
What is Dad really good at?
Making me feel better with jokes.
Making people laugh.
Playing the guitar.
What is Dad not very good at?
Combing my hair.
Playing video games.
Teaching me my English.
He's okay...'cause he wasn't very good and I couldn't understand him in homeschool so good. I couldn't understand what he meant. He was better in math.
What is Dad's job?
Satellite worker.
Making satellite images and taking care of us.
Making maps.
What is Dad's favorite food?
Uhhhh, seafood? Spaghetti? Spaghetti.
I can't remember the's the yellow stuff that looks like's yellow and the flat cylinder that you put in those (mimes the shape)...
Yeah! Polenta.
What makes you proud of Dad?
When he likes to do stuff for us.
Whenever he does good.
That he helps our family be healthy.
If Dad was a cartoon character, who would he be?
Donald Duck.
What do you and Dad do together?
Play Horsey.
We play together.
How are you and Dad the same?
Because he understands the games that I like now.
We're both funny.
I'm short and tiny. I have brown-green eyes like Dad. I'm a boy. We both like God. We both like Atari games. And hmmmm, it's so hard...
That's enough.
How are you and Dad different?
Because he doesn't have matching dresses like me and you. I mean, matching t-shirts like me and you have dresses.
He's tall and I'm small.
He doesn't know Marvel very well. He knows more about DC than Marvel. Ummm, he doesn't like to play Minecraft. Ummm....heeeee...what are we on again? He doesn't ask for anything for Christmas. Um, yeah.
How do you know Dad loves you?
Because Jesus said to love everyone. That's a good one.
Because he takes good care of me.
Because he takes care of me. He takes me to school. He picks me up sometimes. He lets me go on Amazon. Um, he does cool stuff for me like if I do good on my test he'd get me enough money for the watch I want. And he said he'd try a sweet that has dairy even though he's a vegan because I made it he'll try.
What does Dad love most about me (Mom)?
That you love him.
He loves dates with you.
Dat you pretty. You like music like Dad. Mmm hmmm.
What do I (Mom) love most about Dad?
That he loves you.
Hugs and kisses.
That he's really good at music and he's unique.
Where is Dad's favorite place to go?
Indian restaurants.
To Indian food places.
Um, here.
Yeah. And he likes to do this on the couch (lays down) 'Ahhhhh.'
How old was Dad when you were born?
Um, 21?
Kind of old.
32? No, 31.
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